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Year: 1987
Director: Garry Marshall

Overboard Download


Goldie Hawn (Joanna Stayton / Annie Proffitt), Kurt Russell (Dean Proffitt), Edward Herrmann (Grant Stayton III), Katherine Helmond (Edith Mintz), Mike Hagerty (Billy Pratt (as Michael Hagerty)), Roddy McDowall (Andrew), Jared Rushton (Charlie Proffitt), Jeffrey Wiseman (Joey Proffitt), Brian Price (Travis Proffitt), Jamie Wild (Greg Proffitt), Frank Campanella (Captain Karl), Henry Alan Miller (Dr. Norman Korman), Frank Buxton (Wilbur Budd (Elk Cove)), Carol Williard (Rose Budd (Elk Cove)), Doris Hess (Adele Burbridge (Elk Cove)), Ed Cree (Thud Gittman (Elk Cove)), Mona Lyden (Gertie (Elk Cove)), Lucinda Crosby (Waitress (Elk Cove)), Bing Russell (Sheriff Earl (Elk Cove)), Richard Stahl (Hospital Psychiatrist (Elk Cove))


Rich bitch Joanna hires country carpenter Dean to build a closet on her yacht. When the two don't see eye-to-eye, Dean is left unpaid while Joanna sets sail. The following day, Joanna is fished out of the sea, after falling overboard, suffering from amnesia. Dean sees a neat way to regain the money she owes him... he tells her she's his wife; that way Dean gets a free housekeeper and mother for his four kids.



Categories: Comedy Romance 1987 Tags: