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What a Girl Wants Movie Poster

Year: 2003
Director: Dennie Gordon

What a Girl Wants Download


Amanda Bynes (Daphne Reynolds), Colin Firth (Henry Dashwood), Kelly Preston (Libby Reynolds), Eileen Atkins (Jocelyn Dashwood), Anna Chancellor (Glynnis Payne), Jonathan Pryce (Alistair Payne), Oliver James (Ian Wallace), Christina Cole (Clarissa Payne), Sylvia Syms (Princess Charlotte), Soleil McGhee (Young Daphne), Peter Reeves (Sir John Dashwood), James Greene (Percy), Steven Osborne (Staff Member), Mike Toller (Libby's Band Member), Tom Penn (Libby's Band Member), Tom Goodfellow (Libby's Band Member), James Bell (Libby's Band Member), Mindy Lee Raskin (Bride), Stanley Townsend (Bride's Father), Raffaello Degruttola (Groom)


Daphne, a seventeen-year-old girl from New York goes to England in search of her father, who does not know he had a child with an American girlfriend he met while working in Morocco, and whose aristocratic family did not approve of the woman.

