Downloads Movie Ice Age: Continental Drift Watch Online

Ice Age: Continental Drift Movie Poster

Year: 2012
Director: Steve Martino, Mike Thurmeier

Ice Age: Continental Drift Download


Aziz Ansari, Joy Behar, Christopher Campbell, Alain Chabat, Ester Dean, Peter Dinklage, Aubrey Graham, Jason Fricchione, Nick Frost, Josh Gad, Ben Gleib, George Jacobs, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo


Scrat's nutty pursuit of the cursed acorn, which he's been after since the dawn of time, has world-changing consequences - a continental cataclysm that triggers the greatest adventure of all for Manny, Diego and Sid. In the wake of these upheavals, Sid reunites with his cantankerous Granny, and the herd encounters a ragtag menagerie of seafaring pirates determined to stop them from returning home.

