Downloads Movie The Mighty Ducks Watch Online

The Mighty Ducks Movie Poster

Year: 1992
Director: Stephen Herek

The Mighty Ducks Download


Emilio Estevez (Gordon Bombay), Joss Ackland (Hans), Lane Smith (Coach Jack Reilly), Heidi Kling (Casey Conway), Josef Sommer (Mr. Gerald Ducksworth), Joshua Jackson (Charlie Conway), Elden Henson (Fulton Reed (as Elden Ratliff)), Shaun Weiss (Greg Goldberg), M.C. Gainey (Lewis), Matt Doherty (Lester Averman), Brandon Quintin Adams (Jesse Hall (as Brandon Adams)), J.D. Daniels (Peter Mark), Aaron Schwartz (Dave Karp), Garette Ratliff Henson (Guy Germaine), Marguerite Moreau (Connie Moreau), Jane Plank (Tammy Duncan), Jussie Smollett (Terry Hall), Vincent Larusso (Adam Banks (as Vincent A. Larusso)), Danny Tamberelli (Tommy Duncan), Michael Ooms (McGill)


Gordon Bombay, a hotshot lawyer, is haunted by memories of his childhood, when, as the star player in his champion hockey team, he lost the winning goal in a shootout, thereby losing the game, and the approval of his coach. After being charged for drunk driving, the court orders him to coach a peewee hockey team, the worst in the league, Gordon is at first very reluctant. However, he eventually gains the respect of the kids and teaches them how to win, gaining a sponsor on the way and giving the team the name of The Ducks. In the finals, they face Gordon's old team, coached by Gordon's old coach, giving Gordon a chance to face old ghosts. Written by Liz Jordan <>

