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Dragnet Movie Poster

Year: 1987
Director: Tom Mankiewicz

Dragnet Download


Dan Aykroyd (Sgt. Joe Friday), Tom Hanks (Pep Streebeck), Christopher Plummer (Reverend Jonathan Whirley), Harry Morgan (Captain Bill Gannon), Alexandra Paul (Connie Swail), Jack O'Halloran (Emil Muzz), Elizabeth Ashley (Jane Kirkpatrick), Dabney Coleman (Jerry Caesar), Kathleen Freeman (Enid Borden), Bruce Gray (Mayor Parvin), Lenka Peterson (Granny Mundy), Julia Jennings (Sylvia Wiss), Lisa Aliff (April), Joe Altmark (Milkman), Nina Arvesen (Lady Motor Cop), Fred Asparagus (Tito Provencal), Peter Aykroyd (Phoney Cop #2), Larry Bilzarian (SWAT Trooper), Jim Boeke (Nectar Pagan), Sandra Canning (Baitmate)


Friday and Streebek are assigned to some very strange robberies, like i.e. the stealing of one bat, a 30 feet long snake and the mane of a lion from a zoo. All the latest BAIT magazines were also recently stolen, and some chemichals that when are mixed correctly develops a very deadly gas. All these thefts have one thing in common; visit cards with the word "PAGAN" left at the crime scenes. Solving these crimes, including why plenty of police vehicles have been stolen lately, involves the usual; to drink coffee at strip tease bars, rescue kidnapped virgins from drowning and lose the job. Written by Lars J. Aas <>



Categories: Comedy Crime 1987 Tags: