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Twins Movie Poster

Year: 1988
Director: David Cronenberg

Twins Download


Jeremy Irons (Beverly Mantle / Elliot Mantle), Geneviève Bujold (Claire Niveau (as Genevieve Bujold)), Heidi von Palleske (Cary (as Heidi Von Palleske)), Barbara Gordon (Danuta), Shirley Douglas (Laura), Stephen Lack (Anders Wolleck), Nick Nichols (Leo), Lynne Cormack (Arlene), Damir Andrei (Birchall), Miriam Newhouse (Mrs. Bookman), David Hughes (Superintendent), Richard W. Farrell (Dean of Medicine (as Richard Farrell)), Warren Davis (Anatomy Class Supervisor), Jonathan Haley (Beverly), Age 9, Nicholas Haley (Elliot), Age 9, Marsha Moreau (Raffaella), Denis Akiyama (Pharmacist), Dee McCafferty (Surgeon), Susan Markle (Operating Room Nurse), Murray Cruchley (Assisting Surgeon)


Many years ago an experiment was conducted to produce a perfect human being. Unfortunately there was a problem. The zygote split unevenly leaving two children - one with strength, brains, personality and love and the other one with what else was left! Both children were raised seperately at different locations until one day the two unite and help one another find their long lost mother.



Categories: Comedy 1988 Tags: