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Elephant Movie Poster

Year: 2003
Director: Gus Van Sant

Elephant Download


Alex Frost (Alex), Eric Deulen (Eric), John Robinson (John McFarland), Elias McConnell (Elias), Jordan Taylor (Jordan), Carrie Finklea (Carrie), Nicole George (Nicole), Brittany Mountain (Brittany), Alicia Miles (Acadia), Kristen Hicks (Michelle), Bennie Dixon (Benny), Nathan Tyson (Nathan), Timothy Bottoms (Mr. McFarland), Matt Malloy (Mr. Luce), Ellis Williams (GSA Teacher (as Ellis E. Williams)), Chantelle Chriestenson Nelson (Noelle (as Chantelle Chriestenson)), Kim Kenney (Assistant Principal's Secretary), Marci Buntrock (Assistant Secretary), Roman Ostrovsky (Red Haired Kid), Vana O'Brien (P.E. Instructor)


The movie starts as a car has a hard time driving straight down the road in a residential area. We think some kid has stolen this car. Nah. It's the dad driving his son to school, and he's drunk. The teenage son must take over. So, adults give up all responsibility towards their children and mayhem can take place. The film shows one day in the life of several teenage students as they go in and out of classes. They live their student lives and we follow their steps through the corridors and doors, taking them as guides one by one, like avatars in a giant video game.



Categories: Crime Drama 2003 Tags: