Downloads Movie The Next Karate Kid Watch Online

The Next Karate Kid Movie Poster

Year: 1994
Director: Christopher Cain

The Next Karate Kid Download


Pat Morita (Sgt. Kesuke Miyagi (as Noriyuki "Pat" Morita)), Hilary Swank (Julie Pierce), Michael Ironside (Col. Dugan), Constance Towers (Louisa Pierce), Chris Conrad (Eric McGowen), Arsenio 'Sonny' Trinidad (Abbot (as Arsenio Trinidad)), Michael Cavalieri (Ned), Walton Goggins (Charlie (as Walt Goggins)), Jim Ishida (Tall Monk), Rodney Kageyama (Monk), Seth Sakai (Buddhist Monk), Eugene Boles (Mr. Harold Wilkes), Keena Keel (School Clerk), Tom O'Brien (Gabe), Thomas Downey (Morgan (as Tom Downey)), Brian McGrail (T.J.), Wayne Chou (Pizza Driver), Daniel Inouye (Senator (as Senator Daniel Inouye)), Gustave Johnson (Wison), Brian Smiar (O'Connor)


During a commemoration for japanese soldiers fighting in the US Army during World War II Mr. Miyagi meets the widow of his commanding officer. He gets to know her granddaugther Julie, an angry teenager. She is full of pain about the death of her parents during an accident and has lots of problems with her grandmother and her fellow pupils. So Mr. Miyagi decides to teach her Karate to bring her back on the right way. Written by Matthias Scheler <>

