Downloads Movie Meet the Parents Watch Online

Meet the Parents Movie Poster

Year: 2000
Director: Jay Roach

Meet the Parents Download


Robert De Niro (Jack Byrnes), Ben Stiller (Gaylord 'Greg' Focker), Teri Polo (Pam Byrnes), Blythe Danner (Dina Byrnes), Nicole DeHuff (Deborah Byrnes), Jon Abrahams (Denny Byrnes), Owen Wilson (Kevin Rawley), James Rebhorn (Dr. Larry Banks), Thomas McCarthy (Dr. Bob Banks), Phyllis George (Linda Banks), Kali Rocha (Atlantic American Flight Attendant), Bernie Sheredy (Norm the Interrogator), Judah Friedlander (Pharmacy Clerk), Peter Bartlett (Animal Shelter Worker), John Elsen (Chicago Airport Security), Mark Hammer (Greg's Hospital Patient), Amy Hohn (Ticket Agent), William Severs (Father O'Boyle), John Fiore (Kinky), Marilyn Dobrin (Atlantic American Lost Luggage Clerk)


A Jewish male nurse (Ben Stiller) plans to ask his live-in girl friend (Teri Polo) to marry him. However, he learns that her strict father (Robert DeNiro) expects to be asked for his daughter's hand before she can accept. Thus begins the visit from Hell as the two travel to meet Mom (Blythe Danner) and Dad, who turns out to be former CIA with a lie detector in the basement. Coincidentally, a sister (Nicole DeHuff) also has announced her wedding to a young doctor (Thomas McCarthy). Of course everything that can go wrong, does, including the disappearance of Dad's beloved Himalayan cat, Jinxie.



Categories: Comedy 2000 Tags: