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Pi Movie Poster

Year: 1998
Director: Darren Aronofsky

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Sean Gullette (Maximillian Cohen), Mark Margolis (Sol Robeson), Ben Shenkman (Lenny Meyer), Pamela Hart (Marcy Dawson), Stephen Pearlman (Rabbi Cohen), Samia Shoaib (Devi), Ajay Naidu (Farrouhk), Kristyn Mae-Anne Lao (Jenna), Espher Lao Nieves (Jenna's Mom), Joanne Gordon (Mrs. Ovadia), Lauren Fox (Jenny Robeson), Stanley Herman (Moustacheless Man), Clint Mansell (Photographer), Tom Tumminello (Ephraim), Henri Falconi (Kaballah Scholar), Isaac Fried (Kaballah Scholar), Ari Handel (Kaballah Scholar), Oren Sarch (Kaballah Scholar), Lloyd J. Schwartz (Kaballah Scholar (as Lloyd Schwartz)), Richard Lifschutz (Kaballah Scholar (as Richard 'Izzi' Lifschutz))


Max is a genius mathematician who's built a supercomputer at home that provides something that can be understood as a key for understanding all existence. Representatives both from a Hasidic cabalistic sect and high-powered Wall Street firm hear of that secret and attempt to seduce him. Written by Anonymous

