Downloads Movie The Gods Must Be Crazy Watch Online

The Gods Must Be Crazy Movie Poster

Year: 1980
Director: Jamie Uys

The Gods Must Be Crazy Download


Marius Weyers (Andrew Steyn), Sandra Prinsloo (Kate Thompson), N!xau (Xi), Louw Verwey (Sam Boga), Michael Thys (Mpudi), Nic De Jager (Jack Hind), Fanyana H. Sidumo (Card 1), Joe Seakatsie (Card 2), Brian O'Shaughnessy (Mr. Thompson), Vera Blacker (Mrs. Thompson), Ken Gampu (President), Paddy O'Byrne (Narrator), Jamie Uys (The Reverend), Jamie Uys ()


A Sho in the Kalahari desert encounters technology for the first time--in the shape of a Coke bottle. He takes it back to his people, and they use it for many tasks. The people start to fight over it, so he decides to return it to the God--where he thinks it came from. Meanwhile, we are introduced to a school teacher assigned to a small village, a despotic revolutionary, and a clumsy biologist. Written by Colin Tinto <>



Categories: Action Comedy 1980 Tags: