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Year: 1985
Director: James Ivory

A Room with a View Download


Maggie Smith (Charlotte Bartlett), a chaperon, Helena Bonham Carter (Lucy Honeychurch), Miss Bartlett's cousin and charge (as Helena Bonham-Carter), Denholm Elliott (Mr. Emerson), an English tourist, Julian Sands (George Emerson), Simon Callow (The Reverend Mr. Arthur Beebe), Patrick Godfrey (The Reverend Mr. Eager), Chaplain of the Anglican Church in Florence, Judi Dench (Eleanor Lavish), a novelist, Fabia Drake (Miss Catharine Alan), Joan Henley (Miss Teresa Alan), Amanda Walker (The Cockney Signora), Daniel Day-Lewis (Cecil Vyse (as Daniel Day Lewis)), Maria Britneva (Mrs. Vyse), Cecil's mother, Rosemary Leach (Mrs. Marian Honeychurch), Rupert Graves (Freddy Honeychurch), Peter Cellier (Sir Harry Otway), a landlord, Mia Fothergill (Minnie Beebe), Kitty Aldridge (New Lucy), Brigid Erin Bates (Maid at Windy Corner), Isabella Celani (Persephone), Luigi Di Fiore (Murdered Youth (as Luigi di Fiori))


Lucy Honeychurch, a young Englishwoman, makes her first visit to Florence, Italy in the early 1900's. There, she meets a quiet yet eccentric young man named George Emerson. Upon her return to England, Lucy must decide whether to follow through with her marriage to her stotic fiance, Cecil, or follow her heart and her growing attraction to George.



Categories: Comedy Drama Romance 1985 Tags: