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Becket Movie Poster

Year: 1964
Director: Peter Glenville

Becket Download


Richard Burton (Thomas à Becket), Peter O'Toole (King Henry II), John Gielgud (King Louis VII of France), Gino Cervi (Cardinal Zambelli), Paolo Stoppa (Pope Alexander III), Donald Wolfit (Bishop Folliot), David Weston (Brother John), Martita Hunt (Empress Matilda), Pamela Brown (Queen Eleanor [of Aquitaine]), Siân Phillips (Gwendolen (as Sian Phillips)), Felix Aylmer (Archbishop of Canterbury), Percy Herbert (Baron), Inigo Jackson (Robert de Beaumont), Niall MacGinnis (Baron), Christopher Rhodes (Baron), John Phillips (Bishop of Winchester), Frank Pettingell (Bishop of York), Véronique Vendell (French prostitute (as Veronique Vendell)), Jennifer Hilary (Peasant's Daughter), David Davenport ()


As the story opens, King Henry II, who ruled England from 1154 to 1189 has entered Canterbury Cathedral to do penance at the tomb of his former friend, Thomas Becket. Bare to the waist, the king kneels to receive a flogging from Saxon monks. He begins to reminisce, recalling at first the carefree, promiscuous adventures with Becket, then his favorite drinking and wenching companion. A violently emotional drama that probes the changing relationship between two young men - between two close friends bound together by similar pride of flesh and spirit who become deadly enemies as they pursue their separate destinies... that of king... and saint.

