Downloads Movie The Clan of the Cave Bear Watch Online

The Clan of the Cave Bear Movie Poster

Year: 1986
Director: Michael Chapman

The Clan of the Cave Bear Download


Daryl Hannah (Ayla), Pamela Reed (Iza), James Remar (Creb), Thomas G. Waites (Broud), John Doolittle (Brun), Curtis Armstrong (Goov), Martin Doyle (Grod), Tony Montanaro (Zoug), Mike Muscat (Dorv), John Wardlow (Droog), Keith Wardlow (Crug), Barbara Duncan (Uka), Gloria Lee (Oga), Janne Mortil (Ovra), Lycia Naff (Uba), Linda Quibell (Aga), Bernadette Sabath (Ebra), Penny A. Mesa (Ika), Penny Smith (Ika), Joey Cramer (Young Broud)


Natural changes have the clans moving. Iza, medicine woman of the "Clan of the Cave Bear" finds little Ayla from the "other"'s clan - tradition would have the clan kill Ayla immediately, but Iza insists on keeping her. When the little one finds a most needed new cave, she may stay - for now. As it turns out later, she's a bright child, but has a hard time to keep her place in a clan with different customs. She has to hide her intelligence because she's a woman.

