Downloads Movie The Last Starfighter Watch Online

The Last Starfighter Movie Poster

Year: 1984
Director: Nick Castle

The Last Starfighter Download


Lance Guest (Alex Rogan / Beta Alex), Dan O'Herlihy (Grig), Catherine Mary Stewart (Maggie Gordon), Barbara Bosson (Jane Rogan), Norman Snow (Xur), Robert Preston (Centauri), Kay E. Kuter (Enduran), Dan Mason (Lord Kril), Chris Hebert (Louis Rogan), John O'Leary (Rylan Bursar), George McDaniel (Kodan Officer), Charlene Nelson (Rylan Technician), John Maio (Friendly Alien), Robert Starr (Underling), Al Berry (Rylan Spy), Scott Dunlop (Tentacle Alien), Vernon Washington (Otis), Peter Nelson (Jack Blake), Peggy Pope (Elvira), Meg Wyllie (Granny Gordon)


This is the story of a videogaming boy, named Alex Rogan who lives in a remote trailer court where his mother is manager and everyone is like a big extended family. Meanwhile, Alex becomes the top player of Starfighter, a stand-up arcade game where the player defends "the frontier" from "Xur and the Kodan armada" in a space battle. After achieving his best score, he is approached by the game's inventor, Centauri. Stepping into Centauri's vehicle, he is seemingly doomed to stay at his trailer park home all in his life, he finds himself recruited as a gunner for an alien defense force when Centauri is a disguised alien who whisks him off to another planet.

