Downloads Movie It's a Wonderful Life Watch Online

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Year: 1946
Director: Frank Capra

It's a Wonderful Life Download


James Stewart (George Bailey), Donna Reed (Mary Hatch), Lionel Barrymore (Henry F. Potter), Thomas Mitchell (Uncle Billy Bailey), Henry Travers (Clarence), Beulah Bondi (Ma Bailey), Frank Faylen (Ernie Bishop), Ward Bond (Bert), Gloria Grahame (Violet Bick), H.B. Warner (Mr. Gower), Frank Albertson (Sam Wainwright), Todd Karns (Harry Bailey), Samuel S. Hinds (Peter Bailey), Mary Treen (Cousin Tilly), Virginia Patton (Ruth Dakin Bailey), Charles Williams (Cousin Eustace), Sarah Edwards (Mrs. Hatch (as Sara Edwards)), William Edmunds (Giuseppe Martini (as Bill Edmunds)), Lillian Randolph (Annie), Argentina Brunetti (Mrs. Martini)


On Christmas eve, all of the citizens of the small town of Bedford Falls pray to the heavens to help George Bailey. It's then decided that Clarence, an angel who hasn't earned his wings, is to help George. Before he does, he should know who George Bailey was. George Bailey grew up in Bedford Falls, a small town where he dreams of leaving it and making his mark on the world. His family's business is the only thing stands between the good citizens and Mr. Potter, a rich miser who takes sick pleasure in taking from everybody, without even caring how it affects them. George was all set to leave when his father died and had to take care of the business. George would forever be hindered by his plans to leave and thinks that he is nothing but a failure, he decides to kill himself. That's when Clarence comes in and tries to convince him that he has made something with his life, and that he had a "Wonderful Life".

