Downloads Movie The 300 Spartans Watch Online

The 300 Spartans Movie Poster

Year: 1962
Director: Rudolph Maté

The 300 Spartans Download


Richard Egan (King Leonidas), Ralph Richardson (Themistocles of Athens (as Sir Ralph Richardson)), Diane Baker (Ellas), Barry Coe (Phylon), David Farrar (Xerxes), Donald Houston (Hydarnes), Anna Synodinou (Gorgo), Kieron Moore (Ephialtes), John Crawford (Agathon the Spartan Spy), Robert Brown (Pentheus), Laurence Naismith (The first delegate), Anne Wakefield (Artemisa), Ivan Triesault (Demaratus), Charles Fawcett (Megistias), Michalis Nikolinakos (Myron (as Michael Nikolinakos)), Sandro Giglio (Xenathon), Anna Raftopoulou (Toris), Dimos Starenios (Samos), Yorgos Moutsios (Grellas (as George Moutsios)), Nikos Papakonstantinou (Mardonius (as N. Papaconstantinou))


Essentially true story of how Spartan king Leonidas led an extremely small army of Greek Soldiers (300 of them his personal body guards from Sparta) to hold off an invading Persian army more than 20 times as large. The actual heroism of those who stood (and ultimately died) with Leonidas helped shape the course of Western Civilization, allowing the Greek city states time to organize an army which repelled the Persians. Set in 480 BC.

